Tag Archives: bollywood dance

Masala FM Radio: Interview with Bollywood Groove President Ajanta Chakraborty

Masala FM Radio: Interview with Bollywood Groove President Ajanta Chakraborty

I’m excited about tomorrow’s show because I will have a special guest!

Ajanta Chakraborty is the president and co-founder of Bollywood Groove, my favorite Chicago Bollywood dance company. Of course, I am biased because I have worked and danced with Ajanta as well.

But I am looking forward to having her on my show and learning more about Bollywood dance and I hope you all are too! To see their site, visit www.bollygroove.com

Tune in at 6:45 p.m. tomorrow evening, Central Standard Time, to uicradio.org to hear some music that will make you want to ball balle!

And here’s a song to get you started.